Today, a bunch of snow came down! Everyone was dazed by a white, shiny trees, roads..everything. Large snowflakes came down from the white, obscure sky, landed on the roads, and made a nice, crisp sound while gently stepping on. Sometimes it was gooey, but still, that 'crisp' sound was enough to cover up that flaw.
Snow is comfortable, soft, and warm. It is so contagious that my heart soon become soft and warm like a melted marshmallow. It certainly has something magical! I mean, people make a wish in the first snow, and...what else...I couldn't remember right now:) does have magical power, a power that can heal people's soul. It is not just a tool for skipping morning exercise or just a cause of using crutches. Snow has something special.
-Chunghyun Lee, Me, Nuri Kim :)
They are sooooo sweet!
ohohohoh that's me in the picture !
답글삭제I think yesterday was a good day to take a picture! Everywhere white, covered with snow!:)
Beautifully written and you almost have me convinced that snow is a good thing. BUT I'm from the coldest snowiest place in Canada, and I start to hate snow after the first week. When I first see it I feel a bit of romance, but when you get stuck in it and have to shovel it etc., you really DO hate it by January. One thing about snow I will say though - Christmas is not Christmas without it. Nothing like a white Christmas. Nice post.:)
답글삭제I like snowflakes when they are falling down but they are no longer attractive after they melt. :)