When you see a piece of gold, you can think of a word 'compact'. It seems very 'flawless' without any space, but at the same time, it seems very stuffed, hard to breathe. However, unlike people's thoughts, gold is actually formed with numerous atoms, and more importantly, the space between those atoms.
Like the compact piece of gold, my KMLA life seems too compact for a teenage girl, but there are some spaces in between. A margin in an occupied space; that is my KMLA life.
I learned that lesson few weeks ago, right before the Minjok Sponsorship Concert. For that concert, each teams for the Concert had to practice at least twice in a week, usually investing the first self-study periods. Everybody disliked that situation. We had numerous things to do: a bunch of papers, presentations, quizes. But we had to use up our first self-study periods just for the 'Girls' dormitory'. We didn't like both the intent and the 'compact', 'ambitious' schedule we had to face.
I was also displeased when I faced the harsh schedule. I had Math quizes, Physics assignment, Psychology paper, and other things. For me, it seemed like I have to study all the time, without any break.
However, unlike my dark, dismayed prediction, I had a lot of margin during those periods. Right after I came back from the orchestra practice, for 10-15 minutes I have before 'Honjung', I could listen to the music, see web cartoons, or have a talk with my roommates. Not only that, after I have meal, I could take a piece of nap for 10 minutes. It was sweet like a Ganse Dinner after writing a History paper.
Well...surprisingly, I felt more comfortable during that ambitious schedule, more than the loose schedule. Seems paradoxical, but it is still true. I spent those days with joy and content, enjoying the every single moment. As I could know the importance of margin time, I learned how to 'enjoy' hard times instead of 'bearing'. A margin in an occupied space, that is one characteristic I learned in that period. I may find more characteristics from KMLA life like scientists do, but for now, this is the one I have to remember during the whole KMLA life.
*Caution: If too loose, you would end up like this:
Hey ex-roommate! ㅜㅜ
답글삭제I had a REAL harsh time this semester. I have AP Chem and AP US History and at the beginning of the semester, I thought I would die from stress if I keep on attending those two courses. But now I'm happy and 호구 as I was like in last semester. I think I got used to this harsh schedule
ㄴHey Jiyoon!
답글삭제Well...it's okay to be 호구...maybe...it's better than being a nerdy!kk
I think you're working hard for your harsh schedule:)You can do it!!
Funny, and nice points. A bold analogy - gold and time. "Time is gold" and "Moderation is the golden rule" are just two idioms we like to use which come to my mind immediately. I think the benefits outweighed the harms of that concert. The payoff was pretty grand IMO.
답글삭제So, is this your reflective "lesson" essay? Try to label things in the title so I know what to grade.