2011년 12월 4일 일요일

Pictures that can be understood after 3 seconds

1. Leaning against the water??                                              2. Who's who?

3. I'm charging the battery

                                          4. What would you like: A set or B set?
(Two sets are actually the same menu with different prices)
                                                    5. A bride with hairy legs
                                                    6. Look! I can float!
                                         7. Oops! I spilled my cup noodle...
(Actually, it is a giant jellyfist which is 1.5m long, weighs nearly 200kg)
I found these pictures on the website! Well...just for fun:)

댓글 4개:

  1. So funny : ) I saw these pictures on the internet, too.

  2. I saw this on Nate Pann too:)
    lollollol :)

  3. I saw this on the internet, but pictures of 4, 5, 6 are something I didn't see kk they are really funny, and it really did make me confused at the first sight!
