2011년 9월 11일 일요일

Which 'smart' are you?-Assignment #2

                'Number one: People say that I am very talented at sports.' Yes? Then, you might be a 'body-smart'. 'Number two: I enjoy using axioms, proverbs, and metaphors when talking.' Yes? Then, you might be a 'word-smart'. These are the example questions in 'multiple intelligence test'. Multiple Intelligence,MI is the theory which Howard Gardner established. It is the theory which people try to utilize for 'new education system', the education system that doesn't kill children's creativity. This theory can be the good news for people like Ken Robinson who are not comfortable about the current education system.
                Let's talk about the theories like IQ test. Before MI theory, when it comes to human intelligence, IQ theory was the dominant theory in the education field. A lot of schools and teachers tried to evaluate students' intelligence by IQ numbers. However, the real purpose of IQ test was to distinguish students' academic ability in school; whether students can follow the school study or not. Apparently, this purpose is far from 'human intelligence'; it only measures the 'logic' area of the children. But still, people tried to find the relevance between IQ numbers and the intelligence, and even, the success in adulthood.
                As it can be seen, current education system well fits to the 'IQ theory'. Similar to the IQ test which only measures the logical ability a child has, current system focus on only narrow range of numerous studies. According to Ken Robinson, education systems in all over the world have a same hierachy on subjects. Ken Robinson's lecture quoted:
At the top are mathematics and languages, then the humanities, and the bottom are arts. Everywhere on Earth. And in pretty much every system too, there's an hierachy within the arts. Art and Music are normally given a higher status in schools than drama and dance. There isn't an education system on the planet that teaches dance everyday to children the way we teach them mathematics. Why?
  Why? From some moment, students were required to put priority on math and language. From some moment, students had to believe that grade appeared in their report card equals to their intelligence. Is this a normal phenomenon?
               As the alternative method, MI was introduced. According to Howard Gardner, there are 8 intelligences; linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist. And he says that all these 8 intelligences have equal claim to priority. It is quite attractive, and quite revolutionary to the current flow of education.
               Still, many people claim a lot of limitations that may appear when applying MI theory to education. First is related to the matter of 'time-efficiency'. As this MI theory has a weak evidence(just relies on hunch), it may lead to the waste of time. This is the problem that Gardner himself already admitted. And the second is that the application of MI theory is not realistic to this situation. As current society and the way of success are usually based on academic areas, pursuing MI theory may not be helpful for children.
               Yes, there are still a lot of limitations and problem that might occur when applying MI theory. However, this theory can be the key of solving current education system's problem. It is obvious that alternatives that have some limitations but can also solve the problem should be applied anyway.

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  1. You basically wrote two essays on the same subject - this and the one about your brother - in two different styles with two different focuses. One is personal while the other is more academic. I like them both, and will think take both into consideration for your score. I actually think you could combine both with a bit of ambition, but for our purposes they are great the way they are. The only thing I can really say could use improvement in the above - the intro could weave the Robinson thread in a bit more securely.

    I think I remember last semester that a SNU professor came to our school to discuss this. I think it's a good concept with a lot of validity. But isn't it common sense dressed up as something we can talk about at university? In any case I'm glad you bring it to light with relation to Robinson. I hope your brother is finding his MI being put to good use in Vancouver.:)
