2012년 9월 25일 화요일

A piece of narrative: for American literature

           Julie was sitting in a classroom, writing something passionately in her notebook. It was a force diagram of a simple pendulum motion. She marked gravity, tension, centripetal forces, other things related to mechanics.

           She didn’t understand. She didn’t know why she got 10 points off for solving up the problem in a correct, Newtonian way. Although her solution was different from that of other students (who simply copied the solution suggested in the textbook, she thought), she was confident about her own independent solution. However, when she went to Mr. Jones’ office, she was surprised to see a large, red slash in her answer sheet.

           She was bewildered and angered at the result. She had always thought that Mr. Jones was not that logical (not only in physics but also in the whole thought process), but she never thought that he would give her such a big insult. Feeling necessary for explaining her perspective, she asked him,

“Mr. Jones, actually, I cannot understand why my solution is wrong.”

Mr. Jones saw her in a condescending way (at least it’s what she thought) and gave her a chance of explaining what she thought is right. She confidently presented her solution. It was clear and brief. She thought her solution could win over Mr. Jones’ “opinion”.

After hearing all the solution she presented, Mr. Jones started to question doubts on her explanation. At first, she was confident about her solution, but as few minutes passed, she started to feel doubt on her solution. However, not wanting to acknowledge her ignorance, she asked for some time to reorganize her thoughts about the problem.

And she was trying to mark the forces correctly in the diagram. After organizing her thoughts, she stood up, and walked to the Mr. Jones’ office, with her face filled with shame.

“Well… I have to say that I’m wrong. I think I was confused of the basic concept of force.”

“Yeah, that happens. Actually, I liked your passion and confidence on your own idea.”

Although she found that reply unexpected, she just kept listening to what Mr. Jones said.

“You’d better enhance the physics concept you have. Julie, are you humanity-oriented?”

“Yes, I am humanity-oriented.”

“Well…..although you may not further study physics, physics is obviously the interesting subject to study. You know, everything is physics. From miniscule atoms to enormous galaxies.”

After a little pause, Mr. Jones said,

“Anyway, it was good to do a discussion with you. I hope to see you in an honored-physics-class. Have a nice vacation!”

And this was what altered Julie's academic interest and future career. 

2012년 9월 19일 수요일

Creative writing assignment #2: Dialogue

           Elisa had never shared her room with anybody as long as she remembered. But as she attended university far from her house, it became inevitable for her to stay in a dorm with a roommate. Her first roommate in her life was Samantha, who always held a nice smile on her face. (This can be the reason so many guys feel affection towards her, and also the reason Elisa felt more betrayed by her friend Sam.) But with her adorable appearance, Sam started to bring her boyfriends into her room very frequently. It was the first semester of Elisa’s university life, and she decided lump Sam and wait one semester for a new roommate. However, it soon turned out that freshmen were to stay in the same room for a year unless under special occasions. So Elisa went up to the Dean describing her situation, but the Dean simply insisted that a roommate’s love life was not a very unique problem and that Elisa had to handle it herself. Elisa came to stay with Sam for one more semester. But when Sam brought a new guy named Samuel only a day after the semester had started, Elisa found it hard to tolerate any longer. She went out the room, contemplating hard the best resolution.
Elisa waited Samuel to come out of her room. When he came out, Elisa greeted Samuel naturally. After a few talk, Samuel tried to say goodbye by saying “Again, Sorry for interrupting you. You must have been uncomfortable to leave the room.” However, Elisa intentionally elongated the conversation by saying “That’s okay. It’s not the first time for me to do it.” Then, in a continued conversation, Elisa implicitly revealed how her roommate Samantha is a flirt. And in accordance with Elisa’s derogatory comments about Samantha, Samuel got upset and disappointed at Samantha. However, soon, Samuel found out that there were some contradictions in Elisa’s comments. (we didn’t decide what the contradictions are) Because of that, Samuel and Elisa fought with each other. The dialogue part would start from the part where Samuel apologized Elisa to the part where Samuel and Elisa argued with each other.

2012년 9월 18일 화요일

Reflection on "The conversion of the Jews"

           One of the most basic works that should be done in understanding something is to understand the surroundings. In the case of understanding literature, one should consider the context of the individual texts. And in the case of understanding individual, one should consider the individual’s interaction with other individuals or the society that the individual is in. The relationship between an individual and a society is mutual; the society is formed by the individuals and the individuals are formed by the society. And the story “The conversion of the Jews” shows an interesting interaction between an individual and a society. The story is set in the exclusive Jewish society in New York. The society revolves around the words of Rabbi Binder. However, Oscar (also called as Ozzie) challenges the orthodox that exists in the Jewish society. Oscar eventually succeeds to make others (especially Rabbi Binder) acknowledge his radical ideas, but he soon commits a suicide instead of complying to the order of Rabbi and his mother.

           While reading the story, I got to think about my identity in Korean society. Although it sounds snobby, I am in a high position for the high school students to have. I am a student in KMLA, a school whose students are praised as “genius” for the past school life. I am planning to study abroad, having a freedom to explore what I want to study. And most of all, I have a gifted environment to actualize my goals: my parents’ cheer and economical room for assisting in the process. These conditions cannot be achieved easily for majority of students. Obviously, I am in a top position in my age and I am happy with my place in the community.

           However, I still think that my current status can always change, and try to think about the basic problem that the society has. While watching news, I sometimes get frustrated about the prejudice exists on the foreign laborer and often feel satisfied about the fair decision of the judges to the legal case. Although I should admit that I am not that active in expressing my opinion, I am a progressive rather than a conservative.
           Some might think that my attitude is not that appropriate in terms of changing the society. They might say that the radical personality of Ozzie would be more helpful in influencing the society. However, personally, I think that the aggressive, conspicuously rebellious act like that of Ozzie can be very ephemeral but the soft but incessant act, like the act of changing the people’s perspective gradually with the critical and unprejudiced media, is more helpful in changing the world.

2012년 9월 17일 월요일

The one who has had many titles-The house mother

The one who has had many titles-Interview with the house mother

Soho Shim

             Curly hair set with a hair band. Looking tenacious, but sometimes looking cheerful and tender. Those expressions refer to the house mother (dorm parent), Joo young Park in KMLA. She is the one who makes us students nervous in cleaning inspection time. She is the one who makes us manage our lives autonomously. She is the one who makes us smile, be cheered up from mother-like advices.
             Although the house mother Park is very near to us, nobody exactly knows about her: her past life, her personality, and everything about her. Thus, I felt the necessity to know about a person who lives close to us and acts like our mothers. After doing a brief, informal interview with her, I was able to know some aspects about her. 
            Although she is now a house mother in KMLA, Park was called as various titles. All of those titles are deeply related to her personality, orderliness. When she was student, she was defined by the word “modest”. She didn’t like to violate the rules or regulations given to her (although she still knew how to express her own opinions). Her fondness of orderliness surely affected her future career. After seeing the TV drama “A war brother”, she was attracted to the dignified and temperate manner of the commander. As the normal military academies at that time didn’t educate the women soldiers, it seemed like there is no way for her to be a woman soldier. However, an opportunity to achieve her dream came when a poster about the recruitment of women soldiers was attached on the university bulletin board. She applied to the army, and after a harsh test, she became the woman soldier. Tough trainings and the man-focused facilities were hard for her to adjust to the life of woman soldier, but still, she learned a lot and gained a lot.
             “I think that the army has somewhat magical power,” she said, “No matter how a person was in the past, after 2 years in an army, the one becomes polite, self-regulating, and dignified. This is the reason why I wanted to join the army and the fact that I felt in the life of soldier.”

             After spending 9 years in the army, in 2002, Park was suggested to be the house mother in KMLA. Although she was in a high position in the army, she decided to get a title “the house mother”.
             “I have never regretted my choice to be the house mother”, said Park. “Although some people might think that managing all the problems students make would be laborious, I actually think that this job fits to me. I like to stay in one place, I like to stay up all night, and most of all, I like to talk with students.” With smile, she said, “Students are my energizer.”

             Now, as we students all know, Park is another mother of the students. She often gives admonition but sometimes gives advice. She feels content about her current job, saying that she feels like she is playing with her students, not working as a house mother. When asked about her future, with her neat smile, she said that she would do some volunteer work for others. As a proper student, as a vigorous soldier, and as a warm-hearted house mother, Park has done a lot of things in her life, contenting in any situation she has faced. Personally, I think she would be able to achieve whatever she wants, with her exactness, vitality, and humaneness.

2012년 9월 12일 수요일

Reflection on "The Lottery" and various stuffs

           Throughout history, no matter how it was substantiated, the concept of human sacrifice has been present. In the past, it appeared as forms like human in an altar or witch-hunt. When it comes to modern, the form of human sacrifice has become more “diluted” and less conspicuous, but more severe. The “gossiping” about the celebrities can be a human sacrifice done nowadays.

           The justification for this savage tendency has been issued throughout the time. Like people in the story “The lottery”, some try to justify this act as “a tradition”. Without any apparent reason for doing that certain act, people just follow the ill-conceited path given to them.

           While some simply follow the path, others try to justify the act as “public good”. People who support this act (maybe some politicians who want to maintain their system) think that by “giving” up the victim’s freedom or rights, public can “take” what they want, common happiness or entertainment. This justification appears in the movie “Hunger Game”, which is about a despotic state which makes twelve youths participate in a deadly (literally) game in order to provide the public an entertainment, and to maintain its dictatorship successfully.
           Both of the reasons might seem plausible, but whatever the justification is, it is evident that the cruel “human sacrifice” has been committed for centuries, and it still exists nowadays. Even if the tendency of sacrificing an individual is innate to human, people should definitely restrain that tendency, in order to achieve a real “progress”.
Yeji Park: The last sentence of your introductory paragraph informed about "gossips", so I thought that you'd write someting about the video about Britney Spears we say today but it was not :( "The lottery" or "Hunger Game" as far as I know, is not relted to gossiping, if you want to write about gossip. I think you can delete that last sentence from intro and make a whole new paragraph about gossip after you finish explaining "The lottery" and "Hunger Game". Anyway, good job :)

Inhee Ho: I totally agree with you of the sacrifice being less conspicuous but more severe! I really thought your analysis was impressive :) I see your effort to put numerous sources into your essay (ex) the Britney video we watched) but all htese sources seem to just appear and disappear soon. I think it would be great if you elaborate more on each sources you use and make your point more solid. Anyway, I enjoyed yours :)

Hyejoon Lee: I also thought about justification! And I also believe that the existence of a justification or a reason should not be the excuse for killing or hurting one another so harshly. Because then, it is no longer a justification but merely an excuse.

Yoonju Chung: I agree with a point that "gossiping" is an another way of stoning one person to death. There had been so many celebrities in Korea who were stifled by so many rumors :( Also, your analysis of "justification" was very impressive. We habitually attempted to justify our "gossiping" by calling it as "a trend". In the modern society, "gossiping" is embedded in our daily lives so deeply that it is possible to call it as a tradition: a tradition that must be abolished. Overall, I really liked your idea but it could be better if you create more firm relationships between examples (such as video we watched during the class and Hunger Game) and your main idea!

Jane Park: I agree with you on the point that people are basically making justifications for this wrong tendency. Also I agree with the fact that some are supressing others to maintain their dictatorship. However, I hope you think of more profound motivations for people to follow the illegal traditions.

Chonghyun Ahn: I think that in order for there to be a concrete support on the concept of human sacrifice, there has to be a higher entity that needs sacrifice. Maybe you could explain what it is.

2012년 9월 5일 수요일

Goofy is not that goofy!

Name: Goofy

Appearance: Dark mustaches
Personality: funny

Age: 17

Unique Trait: has a dragon tattoo on his back

Environment: small high school

Problem: bad eyesight

<-My Characters :)

       People say love is blind. My friends would agree to this statement when thinking about my love. Yes, I’m in love.

           He has a dark mustache, which highlights him and reveals his ethnical identity as an Italian. He lives next door, he goes to same high school with me, and he plays cello in “Welton High school Orchestra”. He also participates in a varsity swimming team, astonishing people with his dragon tattoo on his back. (He said that he simply got a dragon tattoo because he didn’t have good eyesight to distinguish dragon with tiger. But it seemed like he was satisfied with his dragon tattoo covering up his back.)
           He is as funny as his name, Goofy. (You would be laughing at this phase, I know that. Well obviously, “Goofy” is not a word that sounds smart.) Goofy and his friends are famous for leading a flash mob in a cafeteria or volunteering for the advertisement model for the famous Chinese restaurant (The humorous thing is that none of them were Chinese. Only Goofy had a dragon tattoo which would be the most “chinish” trait.) He is quite different from me: He is “the famous” one while I am “a normal” one and he participates a lot of club activities while I just have a small chat with my friends a bit in a school.
           But still, he is the one who I can have a casual talk with and who always try to boost me up when I have a long face. We first knew each other when we were assigned to do science project together. And for the whole semester, until the due date for the project, we have become good friends, rather than becoming typical acquiantances. After discovering that we lived next door, we became closer and closer.
           And today, I went out with Goofy: watching a movie. Although it's kind of sad that Goofy might just think it as a friend-to-friend meeting, but...who cares? Still, I went out with him!
           The 'date' itself was just normal. After school, we went to the cinema, watching a comedy movie. We had a pizza after that, and got back to each home. We talked about the everyday life, a science experiment we are working on, television celebrities, sports, and a bunch of things. Goofy was humorous enough to make our 'date' jovial and lively. Touching his dark, Italian-like mustache, he brought up a lot of subjects amazingly smooth and fluent.
           Before scattering, Goofy said that he really enjoyed the movie and all the other things. He tried to say something more, but he didn't. What would this hesitation mean? Does that mean that he also likes me, more than just friends? Well...I hope so. :)
           Anyway, I gotta sleep. I have a world history class tomorrow.
To. Diary