Everyone would have experienced 'favoritism'. There are people who we 'like', and those we 'really like', and those who we 'love'. There is sort of a 'list' in our mind that is used to pick the members for party invitations, travel to Europe, or even the dinner. We always want to deny this fact, but still, it is true anyway.
While I was reading the story of Gordie being 'Invisible man' in his family, I remembered the article about the 'science' of favoritism. It is from TIME, and its cover looks like this:
One girl in the center, with an enormous cake piece, is smiling while the two kids in the side look discontent and unhappy, with a small cake piece. The cloth which the 'center' girl is wearing looks brighter than that of the 'side' kids. The background is also brighter in the center than the sides. Well, that is interesting!
According to Jeffrey Kluger, there are some factors that affect the 'list' in people's mind. Like these factors affected many parents' favor, they also influenced Gordie's parents to like Dennis better.
1. More Successful
According to Kluger, parents' preference starts from the parents' survival needs: the biologically narcissistic act of replicating themselves through succeeding generations. This makes Mom and Dad to prefer their bigger, healthier offspring, as that kid will be more successful in reproduction, and get more of the family's genes into the next generation.
The most conspicuous sign of fitness is physical appearance. Of course there isn't a parent who would admit to favoring a beautiful child over a less beautiful one, but most scientists agree that this heuristic, that things that are attractive are healthy and good and smart, is innate for humans.
In 'The body', we can see the sign that Dennis, who is smarter, healthier, and more attractive than Gordie, is preferred to his parents. Dennis was in the baseball league and he graduated with honors from Castle Rock High School while Gordie was hanging out with 'a theif and two feebs', in terms of Gordie's father.
2. Firstborn
The firstborns are often the family's favorite, and the reason is one corporations understand well: the rule of sunk costs. The more effort you've made developing a product, the more committed you are to seeing it come to fruition. Parents pour a lot of 'capital' into firstborns. And like Dennis was, the oldest in most familites have historically been the tallest and strongest, thanks to the fact that at the beginning of their lives, they don't have to share food stores with other kids.
(In the case of mothers, the firstborn son has the highest probability in being 'favorite'.)
In the article, it says, "Even if your kids know you have a favorite, the effort it takes to pretend it's not so can itself be an act of love." It is so true. Although I feel bad about Gordie, but anyway, it is parents' role to love their kids 'equally', at least try.
2011년 12월 10일 토요일
2011년 12월 9일 금요일
The flow of 'Gukak'(Korean Traditional Music)-actually it is fusion:)
While I'm preparing for the finals, to relieve my stress, I listened to some beautiful Guk-ak songs. I just want to share with others:)
Arirang Fantasy
-written by Sunghwan Choi
It is sooo beautiful! I once played this song when I joined in the orchestra and did the concert.
Prince of Jeju
-This is one of the songs written by Bang-Eon Yang, who also wrote 'Frontier'(what we, Minjok Orchestra, did in the Sponsorship concert.)
-This is also a nice music that I once played in the concert :) It is sooo cheerful!!
Chuno OST- Lovers
-This is a song that is an OST for Korean Drama 'Chuno, meaning "slave hunters"' It is quite sorrowful..
Letter of a private
-This is a song "이등병의 편지, letter of a private". It is a song which expressed the feeling of the private joining the army. It is originally sung by the singer 'Gwang suk Kim'. This song added the melody of Korean folk music in the middle.
Arirang Fantasy
-written by Sunghwan Choi
It is sooo beautiful! I once played this song when I joined in the orchestra and did the concert.
Prince of Jeju
-This is one of the songs written by Bang-Eon Yang, who also wrote 'Frontier'(what we, Minjok Orchestra, did in the Sponsorship concert.)
-This is also a nice music that I once played in the concert :) It is sooo cheerful!!
Chuno OST- Lovers
-This is a song that is an OST for Korean Drama 'Chuno, meaning "slave hunters"' It is quite sorrowful..
Letter of a private
-This is a song "이등병의 편지, letter of a private". It is a song which expressed the feeling of the private joining the army. It is originally sung by the singer 'Gwang suk Kim'. This song added the melody of Korean folk music in the middle.
2011년 12월 4일 일요일
Pictures that can be understood after 3 seconds
1. Leaning against the water?? 2. Who's who?
4. What would you like: A set or B set?
6. Look! I can float!
7. Oops! I spilled my cup noodle...
3. I'm charging the battery
4. What would you like: A set or B set?
(Two sets are actually the same menu with different prices)
5. A bride with hairy legs6. Look! I can float!
7. Oops! I spilled my cup noodle...
(Actually, it is a giant jellyfist which is 1.5m long, weighs nearly 200kg)
I found these pictures on the website! Well...just for fun:)
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